
Showing posts from 2009

Why I Love You

Sometimes at night, when I look to the sky, I start thinking of you and then ask myself why? Why do I love You? I think and smile, 'coz I know the list could run on for miles. The whisper of your voice, The warmth of your touch, So many little things that makes me love you so much. The way you support me and help me with my emotions, The way you show you care with such devotion. The way your eyes shine when you look at me, Lost with you forever is where I want to be. The way I feel, when you are by my side, A sense of completion and overflowing pride. The dream that I dream, that all involve you, The possibilities I see and the things you can do. How you finish the puzzle that lies inside my heart, How that deep inside my soul, you are the most important part. I could go on for days, telling you what I feel, But all you really must know is my love for you is real.

Perfection In My Eyes

All I ever wanted was to be a part of your heart, And for us to be together and never to be apart. No one else in the world can even compare, You are perfect, and so is this love we share. We have so much more than I ever thought we would, I love you more than I ever thought I could. I promise to give you all I have to give, I'll do anything for you as long as I live. I hope that one day you'll come to realize, How perfect you are when seen through my eyes.

Let's Fall In Love

Naina met Deepak for the 1st time in the Kindergarten School. Deepak was this shy, quiet, reserved boy who used to sit on the 1st bench. Just then a girl entered the class and everybody’s attention turned towards her. She was singing Lakdi Ki Kathi. “You’ve a very nice voice,” the teacher said smilingly. “Thank you, Miss.” “What’s your Name?” “Naina,” she said with wide eyes. “Very beautiful name dear. Naina go and sit with Deepak.” “Hi,” Naina chirped happily. “Hi,” Deepak was a little uncomfortable. Both of them were quiet for some time when Naina continued again, “from now on we’re best friends.” “Why?” Deepak sounded surprised. “See, you don’t talk much and I love to talk. So, that makes us best friends.” From that day onwards there was no looking back. Naina and Deepak became best friends. Both went to same school and college. Whatever they did: from seeing movies, going to parties, studying, everything was done together. Their friends teased them many a times that they were coupl


You meet people everyday, Some of them stay with you, some go; The gone one's after some time cease to matter, It's the distances in b/w the loved ones that creses a brow. How many times we've fought with others, Sometimes we apologised and sometimes we wait for it; But then the realisation that the person might go away, Throws you in a state of fit. You then try every way to turn the wheel round, You beg, You cry, You wait, You pray; The other person feels irritated and feels you are taking away his space, But why does it happen in love, Does anyone knows what to say? Distances are sometimes important in a relation, It gives you space and time to think; But what if the other person feels lost? Isn't somewhere it's commencement of breaking up of a link? If you and your relation is strong enough, You survive the intensity of the blow; But if 1 person is of weak heart and other is Practical, Then a heartbreak is in the row. But the ultimate question is- Are Distances

Was That You?

Sandhya has been living with her granparents for ages, but never ever has she seen so much commitment, respect, devotion and love in any other couple. At the ahe of 19 she herself has a series of experiences of being in relations but she never came across the same level of intimacy which her granparents have. "Grannie have you ever been in love?" Sandhya asked while both of them were having their tea. "What type of question is this? I love your grandfather a lot." "No Grannie, you love him because he's your husband. I'm asking have you ever loved anyone else?" Her Grannie became quiet for some time. Memories makes you nostalgic. Even Sandhya's Grannie boarded the train of her memories. "I know you loved someone. Tell me about him. Please," Grannie looked at Sandhya's pleading face and heaved a sigh. "I can't say that I love him, because clearly speaking I truly love your grandfather. But yes, there is something in him whi

Over A Cup Of Coffee

What can happen over a cup of coffee? Talks, Gossip, Date, Bitching, Chilling out etc. But has anyone ever found the love once lost over a cup of coffee? Let's see. Karan was sitting in Cafe Coffee Day. He was due to meet Diya, but this meeting was nothing like the previous ones. They were meeting to end their relationship. But, the ironical part was that they met here only the 1st time also. It's been 3yrs, 8 months and 12 days since they are dating each other. At 1st everything was great. The affair was like a fairy tale. Daily meetings, long night chats, loads of pampering was the daily routine. Things worked like this for some time but then both of them got busy in their respective careers and the time for each other decreased. They both tried to manage but with constant nagging it became difficult to stand each other. To curb the differences they started going out in group but all in vain. Their relationship just became a rubber stamp so, with mutual consent they decided t

Love You For All The Little Things

Whenever you just hold my hand, Without uttering a single word, It feels like someone has written my name on sand; Which is being marvelled by the most sweetest bird. Your hug speaks a lot, The way you just snug me close to you; makes me suffer through an electricity jolt, presenting evrything in a new view. The way you listen to me patiently, and never interuupts in between; solves all my problems silently, thereby making yourself unseen. Many a times I become very rash, I yell, I cry, I demand; but you stay with me instead of giving me a thrash, by just making use of your magical wand. You let me shed my tears, and remain close to me when I'm low; thereby giving me a chance to shed my fears, and encourage me to live with more flow. But most of all I don't love you for what you are, It's these small things that makes you lovable; and due to this my love crosses all bars, because you are unimaginably adorable.

Love And Life

I want to hold your hand and walk a mile, Don't want to miss you even for a while. My life is so beautiful because, Dear, it's you........ My Life. Hug me for my worry to die, My tears to dry, and my loneliness to fly. It hurts me to know, How I sometimes can be a little selfish when it comes to you. I am getting sentimental over you! for God sake explain me why all this. I miss you every moment of the day, I keep myself awake just to listen you. I keep myself empty just for you to fill, I keep myself alive just to se you. My mornings miss you, My evenings seek you. Where were you all these years, Why wern't you there to wipe my tears. Fear of future is worse than pain of past, Still, I bother the least 'coz you are there. Even seconds are too long to miss you, I want to hold your hand and walk a mile, Don;t want to miss you, Even for a while. I don't regret the things I have done, or the things I have chosen not to do; because whatever I have done; I must have done

All Things I Love About You

I love you for the warm sweet affection in your eyes, Whenever you look at me And the special smile, You save only for me. I love you that you always seek, To have your body close to mine. Reaching out to touch, to hold my hand, To wrap your arms around me. I love how you show me you care by looking for ways, To make my life easier and comfortable. I love when I ask you to do things and you try to do them, Instead of thinking me demanding. I love that your favourite place is near me, That you would rather be with me than anywhere else. I love you for more reasons than this page has space to write, So I'll try to tell you and show you in person all the things I love about you.

What I Feel For You

Never ever in my heart I knew, that my share of happiness was due. I walked miles and miles on zig- zag road, always hoping that someday my heart will be someone's abode. Then you came as a ray of hope in my life, and made it quite worthwhile. With you I realised the joys of happiness, which indicated the prior absence of perfectness. With you even the simple chit-chat is awsome, giving me a chance to be winsome. You overlook my flaws which I tried to hide, and keep showering your love as shore is washed by a tide. You listen to my bubbly and chirpy talks, as they are part of your spheres of walk. With you sitting in a resturant full of people and noise, has no effect on me as I hear only your silky voice. With you quiet evening of listening eachother's heartbeat, gives impression about our intense heat. Being wrapped up in your arms feel like, it's one of the most wonderful gift anyone can derieve. Many a times I become possessive and demanding, but you flash a sweet smile