
You meet people everyday,
Some of them stay with you, some go;
The gone one's after some time cease to matter,
It's the distances in b/w the loved ones that creses a brow.

How many times we've fought with others,
Sometimes we apologised and sometimes we wait for it;
But then the realisation that the person might go away,
Throws you in a state of fit.

You then try every way to turn the wheel round,
You beg, You cry, You wait, You pray;
The other person feels irritated and feels you are taking away his space,
But why does it happen in love, Does anyone knows what to say?

Distances are sometimes important in a relation,
It gives you space and time to think;
But what if the other person feels lost?
Isn't somewhere it's commencement of breaking up of a link?

If you and your relation is strong enough,
You survive the intensity of the blow;
But if 1 person is of weak heart and other is Practical,
Then a heartbreak is in the row.

But the ultimate question is- Are Distances really needed?
Can't we just love others unconditionally and forget whatever wrong happened?
Chambers are not needed in the matters of heart,
It's only when one will understand this, it'll be a beginning to a great end.


  1. Love can surely transcend distances. But if the vic-versa believe me, you are saved.

    Nice thought but could have been put even more better way :-)


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