Over A Cup Of Coffee

What can happen over a cup of coffee? Talks, Gossip, Date, Bitching, Chilling out etc.
But has anyone ever found the love once lost over a cup of coffee? Let's see.
Karan was sitting in Cafe Coffee Day. He was due to meet Diya, but this meeting was nothing like the previous ones. They were meeting to end their relationship. But, the ironical part was that they met here only the 1st time also. It's been 3yrs, 8 months and 12 days since they are dating each other. At 1st everything was great. The affair was like a fairy tale. Daily meetings, long night chats, loads of pampering was the daily routine. Things worked like this for some time but then both of them got busy in their respective careers and the time for each other decreased. They both tried to manage but with constant nagging it became difficult to stand each other. To curb the differences they started going out in group but all in vain. Their relationship just became a rubber stamp so, with mutual consent they decided to bring an end to it.
As usual Diya was late. When she entered, automatically Karan looked up.
"Hi," Diya sat next to him.
"You're looking beautiful."
"Do you know it's for the 1st time in 1yr that you've said that I'm looking beautiful?"
"I acknowledge it everytime we met but just never said it."
"Why?" Karan looked at her for some time and then asked, "What will you like to have?"
"Diya looked at the waiter and said, "2 frappes 1 with chocolate sauce and other with ice-cream."
The waiter went away and Diya looked in Karan's eyes. His eyes were very attractive. But as usual Diya couldn't look in them for more than few seconds. She looked away.
Karan knew this nicely. "When you know you can't look in my eyes then why do you even try?"
"Because your eyes are wonderful and your every emotion is mirrored there."
They remained silent for some time and in the mean time the order came. Karan recalled when they met for the 1st time and Diya spilled the coffee on the table 'coz of her shaking hands. He smiled.
"Why are you smilling?"
"Do you remember when you spilled the coffee on the table and broke the glass and I had to pay for it?"
"God! They were so pissed off but we also sat till our date came to an end. It was such a wonderful day."
"And do you remember when by mistake you were served Non-Veg pizza and you ate it when you ordered for the Veg one?"
"Yeah, and I fought with them and you literally dragged me out."
"You're always ready to pick a fight."
"He was wrong at that time. I especially asked for a Veg Pizza."
"Those were memorable days, wern't they?"
"Yes, they were." Karan signaled the waiter to repeat the order.
"Why and where we lost them?"
Karan looked at Diya. He had no answer. "Guess, situations became like this."
"I miss those days," Diya looked down at her glass, "And I miss you."
Karan was speechless. He had come here for the breakup but what was happening? "I miss you too."
"I'm so sorry. I guess, I became selfish and with my new pressures I neglected you. But the truth is I still love you," Diya broke into sobs.
Karan held Diya's hand tightly but didn't say anything.
"Are we still going to break up?" Diya asked with shaking voice.
"We came here to do that.," Karan looked at Diya's sad face, "But, I guess, it's not going to happen. You know we're like Frappe and Chocolate Sauce. They're 2 but when we mix it up there's only 1. We're 2 till now but, we've found our lost love."
Both of them hugged each other and went out of CCD. It was a new day of their love. As they were walking they saw a couple fighting. Both of them went to them and said," We think you need to talk over a cup of coffee."
Though the couple didn't understand but Karan and Diya found their love by talking over a cup of coffee. So, when are you going to have it?


  1. Done done done .. my next 5 min film is on this .. can i plz do it .. am i granted the permission ..


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