Was That You?

Sandhya has been living with her granparents for ages, but never ever has she seen so much commitment, respect, devotion and love in any other couple. At the ahe of 19 she herself has a series of experiences of being in relations but she never came across the same level of intimacy which her granparents have.
"Grannie have you ever been in love?" Sandhya asked while both of them were having their tea.
"What type of question is this? I love your grandfather a lot."
"No Grannie, you love him because he's your husband. I'm asking have you ever loved anyone else?"
Her Grannie became quiet for some time. Memories makes you nostalgic. Even Sandhya's Grannie boarded the train of her memories.
"I know you loved someone. Tell me about him. Please," Grannie looked at Sandhya's pleading face and heaved a sigh.
"I can't say that I love him, because clearly speaking I truly love your grandfather. But yes, there is something in him which hasn't made me forget him till now."
"Grannie start the story."
"Ok," Grannie closed her eyes for some time and opened them again. "I was around 12yrs old. Being a daughter of such influential family, my parents sent me to hostel to complete my studies. I was very much independent at that time also. So, I was travelling all alone from Bhiwani to Delhi. In my compartment there was a fanily and a boy who was also travelling alone. He must be around 15yrs. There was nothing handsome in his face but his eyes were breathtaking beautiful. When he took his seat in front of me I couldn't take off my eyes off him. He had an attraction power and I felt really attracted to him."
"Wow! sounds so romantic."
"Don't know that. Romance wasn't a housefly at that time which could be seen everywhere. Anyways, we didn't exchange a word with each other for few hours."
"What a waste of time?"
"Be patient. We belonged to that generation where girls and boys were of shy nature. Not like you all who kiss on their 1st date."
"Ok, Ok .... Continue."
"I don't clearly remember at what time we started talking. Actually he took out his tiffin and asked if I would like to share it? Though I was tempted but very politely I rejected the offer. We again became quiet for some time I heard his yelp. I looked at him for sometime and realised that he had a green chilly and wasn't having water with him. I ontrolled my laughter and gave him my bottle. He drank it and then looked at me and we started laughing. After that there was no looking back. We talked endlessly on every topic. He asked about my likes, dislikes, interests and various other things. Time just flew. and we didn't realise when night fell. He told me that he was suppose to get down at Sonepat. Though I was disappointed but he never let me down, We talked enthusiastically. The train reached Sonepat and he got down but instead of going he stood on my window. We didn't say anything. It was then when he looked at my earing and told that they were beautiful. God knows what I was thinking at that time that I gave him my 1 earing and told him that whenevr he would see this earing he would remember me. As soon as I placed my earing on his hand the train started moving. I kept on looking at him till the time he was in sight with my eyes glistened with tears," A tear dropped from Grannie's eyes and she looked at Sandhya who was herself crying.
"What was his name?"
"I never got a chance to ask."
"Yes neither his name nor his address. I t was my 1st and last meeting with him. But still I've the earing which I gave him. I hoped to get the other one but I don't think there's any chance now." Grannie placed the earing on Sandhya's hand and she couldn't help herself from marvelling the beauty of that ordinary earing.
"Here's the 2nd one." Grannie looked up and saw her husband holding the similar 2nd earing.
Grannie mustered every strength left in her and went up to her husband. She looked at her husband and then at the earing. Both of them cried and held hands for a long time. Grannie wanted to ask him if he was the one but didn't as she could see the answer mirrored in hins eyes.
There was something deeply romantic in their this gesture that Sandhya felt like she was prying. With her wet eyes she left the room but before closing the door she again looked at them. Both of them were silent but were content as they had got that love on which both of them had given up hope.


  1. Cool. Love does make a persons world go round. I like the climax, probably being a wanna be filmmaker, i did guess it but not more than 2 line before it broke. One advice, which i myself want to follow, proof read the article just to fine tune it and get rid of little little errors :-)


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