
Showing posts from 2012

In Between The Lines

I was working on a case when my phone rang. Absent minded without even looking at the caller I attended the call. “Hello…” “Roohi…” The voice of my best friend made me immensely happy. “Megha, wow what a pleasant surprise. How come you are calling me today? And where the hell had you been? No phone no message… what’s going on?” I was super excited as this call was the best thing that had happened to me in the entire day. “Roohi, I am…” Her voice cracked and I knew something wasn’t right. “Megha, what’s wrong? Tell me.” “Can you meet me at a coffee shop? I need to talk to you urgently.” “I am on my way.” I kept the phone down. Hurriedly picked up my bag and went to Prashant’s cabin. Before entering the cabin, I knocked the door. Ironical it was that I was knocking at the door of my husband’s cabin and was asking his permission to come in. “Yes…” “Prashant, are you busy?” Without looking up from his file, he answered me. “Of course I am. What is it?” “I wanted to go

Where's my Cookie?

The moment I entered the airport I felt free. The 1st thing that I did was switch off my phone. I knew my Mom would go ballastic on finding my phone switched off but I wanted it badly. Afterall this was the reason I was going on this trip. I wanted to be alone, away from family, away from my two timing nasty boyfriend. In other words away from the known faces. I got my security check done and with the boarding pass in my hand I felt so free. Unlike others I wasn't going to Bangkok or Thailand. I had chosen Dubai cos I wanted to see the modernity mixing with history. My flight was quite late and I had a lifetime to myself. But strangely I was loving it. There was no one to pin point me, no one with demands. I was just another face in the crowd not some PR officer who had to chase clients. While wandering I came in front of my fav point. A bookstore. I leisurely spent time there and sort of pledged that I won't end up buying a love story. But I couldn't help from laughing w

Different Worlds

                       Jai was a successful businessman. Extremely handsome, charming, witty and humorous. He had every quality in him one could ever dream of. But there was one thing that prevented him from being the most eligible bachelor. he used to limp while walking. But this handicap didn't stop him from achieving great heights. At the age of 28 he was the owner of one of the most renowned telecom company with a turnover of around 62 crores. He was an adorable boss and his employees could literally sacrifice their lives for him.                   "Sir, you have an interview at 11 am today," his receptionist broke the news as soon as he entered into the office.                    "Neha you know that I hate giving interviews. Why didn't you say no?"                   "Oopps... I forgot," and she giggled.                    "Remind me not to sign your paycheck for the next month." Jai knew that she hadn't forgotten it but she

Birthday Gift

                It was 10th of July, my birthday. however, for me it was just another day. i wouldn't even have realised that it was my birthday had the calendar not reminded me of the date. It was just another normal day. The routine hustle bustle of arranging things for Vaibhav, sending Kripa to school and then getting ready for the office. Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Raina Sharma, manager in a leading MNC, married to Vaibhav and mother of an angel Kripa. That's it I guess.                Vaibhav didn't remember my b'day but I was used to it. he would probably realize it by the end of the day and then would make it up by taking us out on dinner and buying me yet another diamond. I never held it against him. After all it's not easy for a working couple to survive in a big bad city. I couldn't concentrate on my work. It was one of those days in which sooner or later I got a panic attack.               "Simi, is there any work for me toda

Unimaginable Forces

             Life changes completely within a split of a second. However, my time span was about 15-20 minutes. Five days ago the course of my life was different and from the point of view of my friends it was perfect. I was in Manali with Sneha (my friend). Abhay, Sneha's boyfriend was also suppose to join us but with his last minute work commitment he assured us that he would be joining us within a day or two.               Our gang was formed during the initial days of college life and even after 6yrs we were still going strong. Though things aren't the same as they used to be in the college, but then real world and college world are two different places. everyone matures and changes but however, I think Sneha was an exception to this fact.              She was still the same as she used to be however more dreamy now. thanks to all those Bollywood and Hollywood romantic stuff. Sneha- now she wasn't a stunner to look at. Short, average looking with a loudspeaker pitch

Same Place

           While growing up I always believed that love had stages and it was powerful and meaningful at an age where one is mature enough to understand it's intensity and responsibility. However, things don't work the way you want them to. I fell in love during my college days. Her name was Kashish. She was my classmate in engineering. Was it love at 1st sight? I don't know. What I know is that I completely changed after I fell in love.             She was very beautiful, but then I've always been biased when it comes to her. Back in college no one used to talk to her. It felt like she belonged to a different era, like she wasn't one of us. Her unimaginable faith, kindness and honesty used to irritate me. I was a stud during my college days. Though I always believed that I would fall in love one day but before that happened I was a proponent of the saying, 'Till you find your true love, keep enjoying with the wrong ones.'             But no matter how mu

A step ahead

       It was just another day for me. As usual I got ready and was waiting for my bus but things didn't feel right. The bus was crowded and everyone was having a gala time. Unable to join the crowd I opened my book and started reading.       But the characters seemed way to fake. I closed the book and started looking outside the window. Out of no where a tear fell from my eye. I didn't get the warning signal and soon alll the pain got its release in the form of tears.       But what was the reason for it? I'm in a reputed job even though it's not challenging but it's respectable. So why this sudden downpour? Was it 'cos of my failed relationship or the fact that I'vnt become a writer til now or that I'm sitting on a matrimonial chair but no success till now or I don't know what I want in life?      The tears didn't stop. I tried to shove them off furiouslly but they were more powerful. The bus stopped at a signal. Those were the longest one a

Unknown Selves

                 It was in a party when I first saw Meera. Who she was I had no idea. I didn't even know her name. It was much later (after exact 4 months and 19 days) that I met her formally. Before this she was just a woman dressed in white gown.                "Can I meet Mrs Mehta?"                I was locking my apartment when her voice greeted me. I turned around and saw the face that haunted me all this while. "No, she has gone to Paris."                And she ran away like a mad woman. I don't know why but I also went after her. After a while I saw her sitting on a bench. I made her sit in my car and brought her to my studio. She looked at my paintings and was impressed a bit. I don't know why I had brought her there, I never even let Sakhi enter that place. (By the way, Sakhi is my wife)                 "Meera, why you ran away?" I was confused a bit as I had no idea when she told me her name.                 "It's 

Who Knew?

Who knew That your life could change at any moment In my case mine changed because of you. In my state of confusion You give me that illusion That everything will be okay. Who knew That with every breath we take We move to another mistake And yet I'm relieved It's with you. Who knew Being two completely different people Has let us see different worlds Without you mine is incomplete Without you I feel Obsolete. Who knew When you are not around I feel stuck to the ground Waiting for you to come. Who knew When you are there I can't compare To anything how I feel. Because When I'm with you I feel Excited Delighted When I'm with you I don't feel Rejected Neglected. Who knew Thai I want to thank you For being you.