Where's my Cookie?

The moment I entered the airport I felt free. The 1st thing that I did was switch off my phone. I knew my Mom would go ballastic on finding my phone switched off but I wanted it badly. Afterall this was the reason I was going on this trip. I wanted to be alone, away from family, away from my two timing nasty boyfriend. In other words away from the known faces.
I got my security check done and with the boarding pass in my hand I felt so free. Unlike others I wasn't going to Bangkok or Thailand. I had chosen Dubai cos I wanted to see the modernity mixing with history. My flight was quite late and I had a lifetime to myself. But strangely I was loving it. There was no one to pin point me, no one with demands. I was just another face in the crowd not some PR officer who had to chase clients.
While wandering I came in front of my fav point. A bookstore. I leisurely spent time there and sort of pledged that I won't end up buying a love story. But I couldn't help from laughing when again I picked up a love story. It was ironical how even with so many failed relationships I still hadn't given up on love.
I was all set for my freedom. But suddenly my stomach growled. There was still an hour for my flight to take off. I decided to treat myself with chocolate cookies and juice. I bought my favorite pack of cookies and juice and went to my gate and decided to pass my time there.
The chairs were scarcely occupied. I picked a corner seat. Put my book on the table adjacent to my chair and checked my passport. Suddenly a strong male perfume fragnance made me look up. A typical hot shot businessman sat next to me. It was enough for me to frown. However I picked my book, opened the can of my juice and tore the packet of my cookies.
It was heavenly. I savoured the cover page of my novel and started reading it. Suddenly from the corner of my eye I saw that the same guy took a cookie from my pack. I looked at him sternly. But he was unaware and was furiously working on his laptop. I cooled myself saying that it must be a mistake and pulled my attention back to my  book.
I smiled after reading a libe in the book. I have got this strange ability that I get so much engrosssed while reading that I can sort of see the events happening in the book right in front of my eyes. Suddenly I heard the noise of the packet tearing apart and saw that he again took one of my cookie. I was so angry that i wanted to clutch that packet tightly in my hand and give him a sound earful. But then I realised that I would just be creating a scene.
But he never stopped. The moment I used to extract a cookie from the packet he also used to do the same. My temper was building at every stage but I with a lot of power was holding myself from not bursting. Suddenly I realised that only 1 cookie was left. But his obnoxious behaviour didn't end there. He broke the cookie into half and gave it to me without taking hus eyes from the computer.
With anger and disgust I picked up my bag and boarded the plane. While walking I uttered almost every possible abuse. This idiot fellow spoiled my mood before even my trip started. I entered the pplane and a young air hostess greeted me with a smile. I smiled at her and sunk into my seat. I decided to put this horrible incident past me and behave like nothing happnened.
I opened my bag to retrieve my ear phones when suddenly my eyes got fixed on something in my bag. It was my cookie packet.
I looked at it with surprise and then revisited the sequence of events. After buying the cookies the salesman gave me the balance money. I was having camera, book, juice in my hand. So I dropped the cookies in my bag accidentaly.
With the packet of cookies in my hand I banged my head on my chair. Suddenly I felt that someone occupied the seat next to me. But I was so embarassed that I decided not to look. Afterall I not only ate somebodys else cookies but also behaved in a very ruthless way.
"You think you can share the cookies? Or is it a no?"
I opened my eyes and realised that mmy neighbour was the same person whose cookies I ate. "Sorry."
He laughed. "You know it was so funny. The looks you were giving me it felt like you would also munch me like a cookie."
My face got red with embarassement and he sensed it. "Buckle up your seat belt. You can eat your cookies once the plane is in the air."
I smiled faintly. "Ummm... Would you like to have some?"
He looked at me and smiled and so did I. "Oh yes afterall we have to get even."
I smiled and looked out of the window. We were in air over the clouds. I was still having that cookie packet. I smiled to myself and turned my attention to that guy. He was looking at the cookies and winked.
I tore the packet and gave him the first. "Akshat."
"Sameera," and we relished our cookies and the new friendship.


  1. Truely piece of story which keep you wanting to read more and more as u go through the lines...twisting tail of emotions and heart rendering stuff to say the least ..keep it up


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