A step ahead

       It was just another day for me. As usual I got ready and was waiting for my bus but things didn't feel right. The bus was crowded and everyone was having a gala time. Unable to join the crowd I opened my book and started reading.
      But the characters seemed way to fake. I closed the book and started looking outside the window. Out of no where a tear fell from my eye. I didn't get the warning signal and soon alll the pain got its release in the form of tears.
      But what was the reason for it? I'm in a reputed job even though it's not challenging but it's respectable. So why this sudden downpour? Was it 'cos of my failed relationship or the fact that I'vnt become a writer til now or that I'm sitting on a matrimonial chair but no success till now or I don't know what I want in life?
     The tears didn't stop. I tried to shove them off furiouslly but they were more powerful. The bus stopped at a signal. Those were the longest one and a half min of my life. Suddenly I saw a stranger gesturing at me as if asking what happened?
     Embarassement and anger flew in me. I turned my head away but saw him looking at me when I looked back. He smiled and asked me again. I don't know why but I just shook my head in negation. He gestured me to smile. There was something powerful in him. I again shook my head and he folded his hands like he was begging. His this expression made me smile and he clapped. Though with windows closed I couldn't hear the sound but it made me feel victorious. The bus started and I lookedbat him and he waved at me and so did I.
     The tears had suddenly stopped. I looked at my book and the characters seemed to be smiling at me. The pain was gone and a strange calmness came over me.  I wasn't angry anymore.
      Many a times we blame situations for all the wrong happened to us. But that guy on the signal made me aware that it was easy to smile at our demons. Al we have to do is just move a step ahead and you'll believe the words 'Love is patient and Love is kind.


  1. a treal twister of events and heart rendering to read it line by line keep u glued at the dge itching to read more


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