Different Worlds

                       Jai was a successful businessman. Extremely handsome, charming, witty and humorous. He had every quality in him one could ever dream of. But there was one thing that prevented him from being the most eligible bachelor. he used to limp while walking. But this handicap didn't stop him from achieving great heights. At the age of 28 he was the owner of one of the most renowned telecom company with a turnover of around 62 crores. He was an adorable boss and his employees could literally sacrifice their lives for him.
                  "Sir, you have an interview at 11 am today," his receptionist broke the news as soon as he entered into the office.
                   "Neha you know that I hate giving interviews. Why didn't you say no?"
                  "Oopps... I forgot," and she giggled.
                   "Remind me not to sign your paycheck for the next month." Jai knew that she hadn't forgotten it but she had said no on purpose. he knew that everyone in his office was trying to change him into being an extrovert man. He was doing work in his cabin when someone knocked. "Come in."
                  "Hi, I'm Avantika. I've come here for an interview."
                  "Hi, Avantika. Please sit. So, what would you like to ask? Jai asked as soon as she settled down.
                  "Well I've loads to ask but before that I would like to have a glass of water."
                  "Oh I'm sorry I forgot to ask."
                 "What's so wow about it? I forgot to ask you if you would like to have something and you are surprised?" Jai looked amused.
                 "I'm surprised coz a hotshot businessman, eligible bachelor is feeling sorry for not asking if the person sitting in front of him would like to have something. It's just wow and so rare."
                 "Why? Aren't hotshot businessman and eligible bachelors allowed to make such inquiries?"
                  Avantika laughed. "You're really funny. Quite a rare combination of brains, attractiveness and humorous nature." The interview lasted for a really long time and in between the questions the normal humor also. "Ok Jai, it was great interviewing you and yes I'm going to write the punch lines you used in between the interview. So if you see them in the newspaper don't be shocked and don't sue me either."
                 Aren't you forgetting a very important question?" Jai asked casually.
                "Let me check." Avantika looked at her writing pad and after verifying her notes she replied, "No. As far as I'm concerned I've taken every point into consideration but you can tell me what have I missed?"
              "How I became a successful businessman even though I'm handicapped?"
               Jai's this question was full of sarcasm and hate. Avantika looked at him for sometime and replied, "I didn't think it was necessary. Moreover, I was interested in knowing about your future plans rather than talking about your disability."
             Saying this Avantika slammed the door shut. It was so loud that it could have shattered the glass and Jai was left thinking whether he had asked something wrong. He stood there for sometime and tried to review what he said. Girls theu were funny. He smiled and resumed his work when the door opened again and he saw Avantika standing in front of him.
             "You owe me a lunch now. I was so pissed at you that I started walking in a different direction and missed my bus and I'm hungry. And you're going to pay the bill."
              Jai smiled and said, "It would be my pleasure." He got up from the chair and walked towards her. "So where would you like to go?"
              "Anywhere, but chose that place where they don't force you to eat with knives and forks." She tiptoed so that she could reach his ear level and whispered,"actually I don't know how to eat with them."
              This confession of hers made Jai laughed out aloud. He took her to Pizza Hut. She was a sight to look at while eating. The sounds she made while eating her chocolate pastry were disgusting and heavenly at the same time.
              "So how come you became a journalist?" Jai asked while sipping his ice tea.
             "Actually I wanted to be a chef," she replied while licking her fingers smeared with chocolate.
             "Then why didn't you become one?"
             "Because I thought that I would myself eat everything I made. So in hours only the person who would employ me would turn me out. So here I'm."
             Jai smiled again. It was for the 1st time that he was genuinely happy and was laughing to his fullest. Avantika was a live wire. So full of life and fun. The bill came and Jai paid it.
             "Thanks a ton. I was starving and the food was great. Tomorrow it's going to be my turn to pay so pick a place of your choice."
            "There's no need for it Avantika."
            "Why you think I can't pay?" she sounded hurt.
             "I didn't mean it like that. But seriously there's no need."
             "Jai tomorrow at 1pm at your decided place. You are going to come or you'll never see my face or let's have a deal. Let me pay for lunch once and then never meet me again otherwise I'll come to your office daily till the time you agree to it. you see I don't like to keep any sort of debt on me."
             "Fine Avantika. Let's meet tomorrow here only and then you can pay the bill. I won't even bring my wallet. Happy?"
             "Emotional Blackmail always work. But Hey! bring your wallet cos if I fell short of money we would have to wash the dishes. Now no one would say anything about me as I'm just another ordinary Girl. But your reputation will be marred if they found out that owner of a telecom company with a turnover of 62 crores can't pay Pizza Hut bill."
             Avantika left Jai laughing. The next day they met and she paid the bill. After that it became a routine. They used to meet everyday at a new place and would pay turn wise. Jai felt alive and happy moreover stress free when he met Avantika. It had been one and a half month since there 1st meeting.
              "What have you thought about getting married?" Jai asked meekly.
              "Don't know. Mom and Dad will decide I guess. Why are you asking?"
              "Actually I was thinking if you would like to meet my brother. He has just finished MBA and has joined me," Jai presented his brother's photograph to Avantika. "If you like him I can fix a meeting of both of you."
           Avantika looked at the photograph and said, "If you want me to get married then why I shouldn't get married to you? I know you not your brother."
            "But I'm talking about my brother."
            "And I'm talking about you. But if you have anyone else in your life then its ok. But if not then we can think about it," Avantika dared.
             "I won't be a nice match for you."
             "Ahhh! Self pitying words. Say it Jai that I'm not nice for you. Don't be modest."
              "I'm not being modest. But you're missing something here. This...," he stood up and walked a little. "I'm handicap who can't take care of himself properly."
           Avantika threw a glass and angrily got up. "One more word about your disability and I would chop off your legs and then you won't be able to walk even. Or let me do one thing. I'll go on the road and get myself run over by a car and then we will both limp together. What say?"
            "How can you make fun of such thing? We are talking about a disability here so its not funny."
            "That's what I'm saying. It's not funny that you are talking about hooking me up with your brother. We have been meeting for the past one and a half month. I agree its too soon for us to get into a relationship but at least don't hook me up with someone else as I'm in love with you."
             "Do you even know what you are talking about?"
             "Yes and I know it from day one since the day I've seen you."
              "Are you sure you'll be able to live with..."
              Avantika stopped him in between, "Yes I'm sure that I'll be able to live with the world's most amazing guy. But even after marriage whenever we'll come for lunch and dinner we would pay in turns. So Jai Singh Raizada would honor me by getting married to me?"
            Jai looked at her but couldn't say anything. Even though it was Jai's turn Avantika paid the bill. They got up and Avantika held Jai's hand.
            "I can walk. You don't have to hold me."
            "Who said I'm supporting you. 1st you bought me to the most sophisticated eating place where I had to use the cutlery and now look the floor is covered with tiles. Don't let me hold your hand but if I fell then you would deal with the embarrassment. so will you let me hold your hand or you are risking me to fall down?"
            Jai looked at Avantika. She was looking at the floor tiles and was walking with utmost care when Jai held her hand. For the 1st time in his life he felt like he was supporting someone and wasn't asking for it and it did feel great.




  1. I am a sucker for good love stories, and I am glad that I read this one.

  2. Nice story... like always a love story... but i m in mood of criticism hope u wont mind and take it in good spirit... though critising is easy business than what you are doing...
    I some how felt the Jai has more to what you have been able to describe... his habits his tastes his nature... also we should know why is he disabled... was he born with it... did something happen to him... then what about his parents as u have mentioned his brother... finally what is his qualification... he is 28 and owner of a big company... though a turnover of 62 crores is very small for a telecom company... dont use the word around with turnover... u r the author take control and give a definate figure... u can make it 6200Cr ... u could also give an imaginative name to the company... "How I became a successful businessman even though I'm handicapped?"... doesnt fit the bill either... Jai will not use such lines full of Sarcasm as u write it...
    Avantika saying i love you just after 1 1/2 half month... that to at the point where Jai asks him for his brother is a little abrupt to me... a little build up why she said so would help... though her character as an impulsive person has come out nice... but i love you was little too too too impulsive...
    Small mistakes in English... hopefully a re-read from your side will help in removing them...
    One thing i was reminded why is Jai introvert... he is dashing... handsome... charming... witty... successful... a disability can cause it... but i didnt find a good enough reason for the introvernt nature...

  3. Felt a lil too fast paced for a love story. Felt it could have been better with some added emotions and stake. It doesnt give us readers much of reasons to remember these characters as they did nothing great or something unheard of.
    But I am happy that the story has a pace which mine totally lacks.

  4. A real cool one.. I liked it more than the intense stories of yours :)


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