Love Letters

So, finally your book is going to be launched. Thank God I don't have to go through the reading and re-reading of the manuscript. I can relax now. By the way I think you should pay me as I've been not only the 1st and the loyal reader but also an amazing contributor (winks). Anyways I was kidding. I'm so proud of you and don't be nervous about the launch, though I know you're on the verge of having a panic attack. So just relax and have a blast at the launch. Do inform me as soon as you're done with it. Take Care. Bye.

The alarm woke me up and after turning it off I grabbed my cell. A mail was waiting for me and I knew it who would it be from. I hurriedly went through the contents and couldn't stop myself from smiling. Even though it was early still I got up and went to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee for myself. After settling cozily in my rocking chair with a cup of coffee in my hand I went through the mail once again and replied back at the same time.

You're so right. I'm actually having a panic attack. Last night I couldn't even get proper sleep. And excuse me why should I pay you? I made you the privileged person by making you go through my manuscript and you're asking me to pay you? No ways! Moreover, I think you should pay me for the endless pictures that I clicked for you. I wish you were here. I'm missing you so badly. Don't worry, you'll be the 1st one to whom I would be informing how my launch went by. Lov ya loads. Take care and mail me soon.

It was still quite early so I decided to wait for some more time before calling my PR and getting the details about my launch. Abhay was seriously right that I was on the verge of having a panic attack. I so badly wanted that him to be here as he was alone capable of making me come out of my attack. the newspaper came and I started going through it. Somehow my mind was preoccupied with the launch that would take place within few hours. The morning routine activities had started. People were going out for walks, the kids were getting ready for their schools the vendors were circling the societies. I knew I had to calm myself or I would turn my panic attack to the worst. I went to my yoga room and decided to do some meditation. I switched on my favorite instrumental CD and closed my eyes. However, like always the moment I closed my eyes, flashes of Abhay engulfed me. I had known Abhay for like forever. We started out like any other teenager would have done from chat rooms. However, neither of us knew that the out of the blue chat would lead us to formation of such a strong bond in our friendship and much more than that.
I hurriedly got over with my session and realized that it was time for me to get ready for my launch. My maid had already come still I prepared my breakfast and hurriedly ate it.
"It's your launch today right?" Navneet asked me.
"Yup it is. I'm so nervous. By the way do you think you'll be able to come?" I asked prepared for the worst.
"Ofcourse. But I won't be able to stay for long. However, I'll stay till you launch your book." He came and ate my toast and I made a face. "Don't worry at all. You've written a book and now you just have to talk about it. I'll drop you to your venue and the moment you are done with the launch, I'll be gone have a real important meeting."
I reached my venue and the journalists were already waiting for me. Seeing them there got me more panicked. "Kudrat, great that you're here. Always before on time and it's great. However, we'll start the press conference on time as some journalists are yet to come. What happened? Are you feeling breathless again?"
My PR scrutnized me and realized that she was right. She handed me some juice but I couldn't even take a sip. Navneet was beside me a moment ago but was nowhere in sight. My PR went left me with juice in the room to make sure that everything was going on smoothly. I knew my situation would worsen if I didn't take any proper step. I looked at the watch and realised it would be midnight in US, still i was tempted to call. I dialled a number and counted the number of times it rang.
"Comeon Man, get rid of your panic attack. It's past midnight here. Have you tried taking deep breaths?"
It was amazing yet funny. The way Abhay could sense my troubles without even me telling about them was mind boggling. I remained quiet for sometime. Choked and overwhelmed. I knew I had to talk but somehow words weren't coming out of my mouth.
"I'm sorry for waking you up at this time. But I somehow needed to talk to you."
He heaved a sigh and said, "Don't be sorry. I know you're nervous. It's perfectly okay. So, don't worry. These are just pre jitters that you're facing. Everything's gonna be just fine and you know it too. Now go to your conference and knock them out. I know that you'll. Best of luck."
I smiled and kept the phone down. Its been a decade that I 1st time met him on chat and the funny thing is that I've never really met him. No, it's not like those filmy projects where the guy and girl hasn't met each other, but on our part we've just seen each other via chats and pictures. It all started during my teenage years and now at the age of 32, married writer things are still the same as they used to be. Although the dependency has increased a lot more.
I did fall in love with him and maybe he did too, not that he ever vocalised it but that never stopped me from not doing it. Nevertheless, he was the practical in between us and knew that we had no future. I think I also knew it but tried to remain under a delusion for a long time. He became my best friend. My day started with him and ended with him too. The things I had never told to anyone I share it with him. Its like we've seen each other from far off but have somehow lived with one another and are doing it till now. Ofcourse my another best friend thinks that I'm mad that I had not only started but even continued such a beautiful relation with a guy whom I've never even met but I don't find it odd. At times logic isn't needed. It's not like he's not happy in his life. He's married and loves his wife like anything and I my husband. However, I love him too and he loves me and it makes us happy so why not.
My PR called me and I went to my conference. Suddenly I was back to be confident. Maybe it was the call that made me feel that way. I saw Navneet sitting there and gave me thumbs up. I smiled and winked at him and he looked around to see if anybody else came to know what I did. The conference went great. Everybody was happy and so was I. Navneet came and hugged me and promised a dinner for us tonight. The moment the crowd left, I mailed:

You were right. It was great. I got an amazing response. The questions never stopped and I answered them back confidently. Thank you for the call and be prepared to read the next script. Lov ya and do tell me about your meeting.
I was having my coffee when my cell beeped and I saw a mail was there

I told you that you'll do great. My meeting is just round the corner and I need your luck. And I'm always going to be there but for the script start paying me now or there would be no reviews. Miss you too and love you right back.

I re-read the last line. It was strange that at times we get our soulmates in the people with whom we don't even have a distant relation. I smiled at myself and thanked God for the nth time for giving me a chance to now this person who is present in every grain of my existence. I mailed him all the best and went to my office only to wait for another love letter that would be getting typed at that moment.         


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