That Stormy Night

Even after 2yrs, I clearly remember that night. I was on Mumbai Railway Station. Even at 2am it was crowded. I was sitting on a bench deciding what to do? I had left my home and came to Mumbai just to live with Shekhar. Shekhar and I used to study in the same college back in Delhi. After friendship, we fell in love. By the time, the college came to an end my parents had found an NRI guy for me. I tried to convince them about Shekhar but they didn't pay any heed. So, I ran away.
I reached Mumbai thinking that Shekhar would welcome me with open arms but, nothing of this sort happened. He, on the other hand yelled at me and asked me to go away.
Now, here I was sitting at the station all alone, not knowing what to do. Just then I heard a voice.
"Are you waiting for any special train?"
I looked up in surprise. An average looking guy with a smile on his face asked me this question. I chose not to answer and again got lost in my thoughts.
He looked at me for sometime and then left me. I just kept on looking straight trying to figure out what should I do and just then I heard the same voice again.
"Have some coffee. It'll give you strength to think better."
"What's your problem? Why are you bugging me?"
"Me? Bugging you? And here I thought I was acting like a gentleman by offering you coffee."
"I don't need it and leave me alone," I blasted.
"Ok," he raised his arms in self defense and kept my coffee right next to me and kept on drinking his.
What had happened to me? I never spoke to anyone in such a high pitch. "Sorry," I said meekly.
"Oh! It's ok. Don't worry but, I would really like if you drink your coffee."
"Thank you," and I started sipping it.
"By the way, I'm Prithvi," he extended his hand towards me.
"I'm Radhika," I smiled faintly.
"So Rads," I looked at him sharply. "Actually, Radhika is a very long name. So, I'll call you Rads. Hope you don't have any problem."
I was surprised by his frankness. He didn't even know me nicely and he was calling me Rads. Shekhar never called me Rads. I desperately wanted him to call me by nick name but he never did.
"Rads," he waved his hand in front of me. "Yaar, here I'm talking to you and you are thinking about a mysterious man."
I was shocked again. "How did you know that I was thinking about a guy?"
"See your eyes. There is a strange mixture of sadness and happiness. So, I guessed it."
I looked at him for sometime and sipped my coffee.
"Do you feel like talking about it?"
"And why do you think so?" I roared back.
He kept his cup down and then looked at me intently, "because I was suppose to board my train to Bangalore approx. 2hrs ago," he looked at his watch and then again back at me, "but, something in you mesmerised me and I felt like knowing what this clueless girl was doing on station all alone?"
"You missed your train 'coz of me? Why?" I asked suspiciously.
"I promise hitting the bed with you wasn't on my mind. Rads, actually there are very few things which mesmerises me. You did and I wanted to get my answers."
There was a sense of honesty in him. I didn't feel insecure. He had some kind of aura which was comforting.
"So, I mesmerise you?"
"Yes you do. Rads, you look like an intelligent girl. So, what happened that you are here?"
"It's a long story."
"My train leaves at 11am tomorrow. I've got plenty of time to listen to what you have to say."
"I still can't believe that you missed your train," I smiled.
"Let me get another cup of coffee and then you'll realise," he stood up and started moving. "Rads....."
I looked up.
"You wanna have something to eat?"
"No thanx."
"God! You and your formality," he went away and returned after 10min with coffee, waffers and vada pao.
He gave my share to me. "Isn't it too much?"
"No," he looked surprised. "We're going to listen to your story, so we should've enough material to munch and sorry I forgot popcorn. Anyways, continue."
It was a delight to talk to him. I bared my soul in front of him and told him about my elopement from my home for Shekhar and how he refused to be with me.
"You're a gone case."
"Excuse me?" I asked in surprise.
"Who leaves her home for some kind of cheapster like Shekhar? I knew from the very begining when you said Shekhar is all I ever wanted. Madam, don't you know such species are rare?"
"Stop it Prithvi," I turned my head.
"No you stop it Rads. How can you be so idiot? You left your parents 'coz of him?"
I had tears in my eyes. He saw them and gave me his handkerchief. "What are you going to do now?"
"I don't know."
"What do you mean you don't know?"
"Hell Prithvi. I mean I don't know. I can't go back to my parents now. So, I've no idea what I would do."
"Commendable. Commit mistakes and let your parents suffer for the rest of their life."
My tiny tears became fat. "Rads, listen to me. I know you've hurt your parents but please go back at least for their sake. They won't be able to live without you and you owe them at least this much."
"But, what if they are angry?"
"So, what do you think? They'll give you some medal for the act? Hell, if I would've been in their position I would've hit you hard," seeing my scared reaction he spoke calmly, "but, I know they won't do any such thing and would be glad to have you back."
The sun rose and the rays reached me and in this new light I saw things in a different way. I got my tickets to Delhi and boarded my train. Prithvi was standing at the window.
"I just want to thank you for all you've done."
"Save it for later," he smiled.
The train started moving. "Prithvi, I don't have your contact number."
"Don't worry. I know how to get to you."
After reaching Delhi, my parents not only accpeted me but loved me in every way. I waited for Prithvi's call but it never came. I was disappointed and later on believed that his sole motive was to help me.
After 2yrs it's the same stormy night. The only difference is I'm not at a station but in a hotel lobby. My parents have arranged a meeting with a guy for my marriage. I was sitting at a different table when I heard the same voice.
"Are you waiting for someone special?"
I looked up and was surprised to see what was before me. "Prithvi?" I didn't trust what I saw. "But how? When?"
"I told you. I knew how to get to you."
"But you never called me in these 2yrs."
He sat down next to me and said, "I told you Rads, you mesmerised me. So after reaching Bangalore I spied your every move and when I came to know that your parents are looking for a match for you, I had to bug in."
I couldn't register what he was saying. But I was happy that he was here. Somehow I knew it.
"So, what now?"
"Anything you say Radha."
"But you call me Rads..."
"Again as I said, I called you Rads when I saw a girl who was completely in control of herself and is bold. I'm calling you Radha 'coz right now you're shy, unsure and a little scared. And like always you mesmerise me."
I smiled faintly. He was right. I wanted to be with him and thank God he was here wth me. "So, what would you like to have?"
"How about waffers, coffee, vada pao and other things...... Afterall you've to tell me what you did in these 2yrs."
I smiled and replied, "Yes, I do...."


  1. awsum girl.. gives a lot of hope dat gud people exist and luv bloooms outta nowhere...heheh

  2. You know, you should be the first writer for Mills and Boon in India! Awesome stuff...

    Just one suggestion!! Please change the font colour!! Its very very difficult to read with ther present one. Make it white or some really light colour as your background is dark pink!

  3. oh my god .. go to Karan Johar .. Take it as a complement or a critics point of view ..


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