Wrong Number

Arjun was angry. Fine! He and Niharika had a fight, but this didn't mean that she has a right to leave him alone in this damn boring party and that also without telling him.
In anguish, he punched Niharika's number. He never saved any of his Gf's number. Just like their vital stats, their numbers were also engraved on his mind.
The phone rang and someone picked it up.
"Hello," a sleepy voice came from the other side.
"What the hell do you think of yourself?" Arjun demanded angrily. "You left me all alone in thiss boring party without even caring to tell me."
"Excuse me?" The voice sounded confused.
"No, I won't excuse you. How can you do that Niharika?"
"I think you 've got the wrong number."
"Yeah, so now I've got the wrong number. I agree that we had a fight but this doesn't mean that you can behave like this."
"Can't you get it? I'm not Niharika."
Arjun tried to listen the voice carefully. Yes, she can't be Niharika. Niharika's voice is like blasted drum when she's angry but this girl's voce sounded like guitar. No, she can't be Niharika.
"Then who are you?" Arjun asked slowly.
"I'm Meera," she roared back.
Meera... nice name, Nice voice. Would she be good looking too? Hell! Why am I even thinking this?
"So, now will you please keep the phone down as you've realised that I'm not Niharika."
"I'm really very sorry," Arjun thought for a second. Did he actually say that? Did he say sorry right now? God! This girl is dangerous.
"It's ok."
"Meera, this is Arjun."
Attitude..... I like it. "Actually, I wanted to know are you listening to the Rainforest Instrumental Music CD?"
"Impressive. You guessed it right. Bye now."
"From where did you get it?"
"I bought it from the Music World."
"Goodnight," Meera said politely.
"Goodnight Meera. I'm really sorry for what I did and one more thing..... You've a great voice."
Meera blushed. Hell! She didn't even know this guy so why did she like the compliment? She's never like this. Men are Dogs! Her past relationship has made it clear then why didn't he sound like one?
"Thanks for the compliment."
That night Arjun met Niharika and solved the issue. But, his mind was still occupied with Meera's thoughts. For the 1st time in his life without knowing the assets of the girl he was thinking about Meera's voice and what she would be doing while listening to the Rainforest CD?
The next day, Arjun wasn't able to focus on the lyrics of his song. All he could do was think about Meera.
He called her. Yes, even he didn't know why he saved her number but he did.
The phone rang and Meera greeted it with her mesmerising voice.
"Hi Meera, this is Arjun here. Hope you remember."
"Ofcourse I do. How are you?"
"I'm great, Hope I'm not disturbing you," Arjun sounded a little scared.
"Arjun, yesterday you called me at 1:30am, this hour is still quite fine."
"Thank God. I thought I was pilling on."
"Don't worry. I'm not an Ego satisfying girl. So, if you would pile on I would tell you myself."
"Wow Meera! This is great. So, what are you doing right now?"
"I was trying to finish my poem," Hell! Why did she tell him this? I never told anyone about my poems.
"So, you write? That's impressive."
"Thank you."
So, talking becamea practice. Day in and out both of them just talked. Movies, Music, Books, and Poems they discussed everything.
One night Arjun got a call from Meera. "Hey Meera, what is it?"
"Arjun, I've got a job call as a Creative Writerin Bombay. I'm going to join after a week. Isn't it great?"
"That means, you would be going to Bombay?"
"Yup. Isn't it great?"
No, it wasn't.But why wasn't it? We're not in a relationship. Damn we've never met also. Then why wasn't I liking the prospect of her going to Bombay?
"Arjun, say something."
"I want to meet you tomorrow."
"What?" she laughed out aloud.
"I want to meet you. Come to Oven Fresh at 10:30. I'll be waiting."
"But Arjun, how would you recognise each other? We've never seen each other."
"Use the damn phone Meera."
"Ok fine. Why are you getting angry?"
"I'm sorry. I'll see you tomorrow."
They met the next day. God! Meera was beautiful. She was a rare combination of beauty and brains.
"So, aren't you excited that I'm going to Bombay?"
"What's there to be excited about it?"
"Arjun..... I'm getting a chance to showcase my talent. I thought you would be happy about it."
"I'm Meera. But what would become of us?"
"We'll be in contact. My number will change but I promise Ill take Airtel only with less call rates," Meera smiled.
"It's not about the call rates Meera.You're going thousand miles away from me. How will we meet?"
"Arjun, we're talking for 2 months and this is the 1st time we've met. So, we'll plan out things in vacations. Don't worry. And Mr Arjun, I'm going to Bombay next week, so the rest of the 7 days you're going to give your entire time to me."
And that's what exactly happened. For the rest of the 7 days they were together. Though Meera insisted that Arjun shouldn't come to the airport but he did. Meera felt weird. The feeling that she was leaving something back. In this dilemma she hugged Arjun. Finally the hug broke and they parted off ways.
Meera told Arjun that it would take 2-3 days to get a new coonection. He was listening to the Rainforest CD which Meera gave him when he got a call from an anonymous number.
"You're a dog, a pig."
"Thank God! You remember my name."
"Are you crying Meera?"
"No, why should I cry? What's the reason?"
"Meera...... I."
"Why didn't you stop me . You could have said don't go Meera and you'll find something here."
"I thought you won't stay."
"And you didn't even try. Arjun, why the hell are you like this?"
"I don't know."
"Now, are you going to say it?"
"What?" Meera's heart sank.
"I'm coming to Bombay tomorrow. You just have to find a place for me."
"Don't worry about that. My flat is really big and you can always share it."
"Great. So, here I come to you now."
"But, why are you coming?" Meera asked slowly.
"So that I can tell you how much I Love You, and I'm glad to have this wrong number."


  1. Oh god .. I run away from these rosy romances and u just keep sinking .. Keep it Up .. But proof Read ur articles :-)

  2. Well written ... got me involved for some time though I am not fond of such mushy stuff.

  3. Great work gal...
    kept my eyes glued to the screen till i finished it.. :) keep going..


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