
Showing posts from 2018

Broken is Beautiful

The voices were distinct in the background. The sound of tides had muffled the cries of zealous men and women who were partying hard in the shack. Kiara looked around and soon found a spot. She was away from the crowd, still very much within the sight. She didn’t want to sound rude, but she knew she didn’t belong with the group of her over-zealous, party lover office people. She wanted this time for herself... just herself.  Within no matter of time, she realised Anant was coming towards her. She laughed inwards. Even though the new column writer tried to convince everyone that he was a party lover, in reality he was a recluse. With a joint in his hand, he was also figuring out where he could sit and just get lost in this wilderness. He looked at Kiara and smiled awkwardly. Kiara turned her attention back to the sea. And Anant, well he made himself comfortable just inches away from Kiara.  The sea looked beautiful. It was difficult to fathom it, raging, calm, hiding so many secre

The Wandering Soul

He sucked her hard, bit her and she matched his fervour. She bit him back, kissed him with passion that could put anyone to shame, entwined her legs around him as if she didn’t want even an ounce of him escape from her, as if her life depended upon him, as if she was hanging on to him and he was the support she needed. And then the ultimate release. They both screaming not worrying that someone could hear them. It was necessary. That scream. It proved that both of them took each other to places that were just mythical. Such was Zara and Rishab’s relation. After catching her breath, Zara looked at Rishab. He was in deep slumber. The sweat was still shining like jewels on his forehead. She got up and realised that she was naked. Not that she was ashamed of her nudity, but it was chilly outside. So, she put on the long shirt and got out from the warmth of the blanket. She opened the mini bar and found scotch there. She poured herself some in the glass, lit a cigarette and sat on the s

Unfinished Business

Sitting next to a glass window and watching the rain has its own charm.  How tiny water droplets make everything look new, how the mesmerising smell fills your nostrils and you’re forced to visit the memory lanes that are otherwise too slippery to walk upon. Kerala... Oh how I love this place. God’s own country and there’s truly no doubt about it.  I craned my neck back to the bed and saw Nihaal sleeping peacefully. Well, after last night, I’m sure he needs all his strength. He was gorgeous and there was no doubt about it. And the way he would make me feel... the way I giggled like a schoolgirl with him made him even more special. I so badly wanted to crawl back into the bed and wrap my arms around him, but the rain... oh that devious rain had something on its mind and I knew till the time I won’t submit, the clutches and the leash won’t be cut loose.  ​ Nihaal and I work in the same magazine house. Even though he is younger to me, but honestly it is he who is mature in between us.


​ “The Magazine issue has come out to be a fabulous one. I really loved your take on the upcoming fashion and how it is blending with the culture. Truly amazing!” A socialite complimented me and all I could do was just give her my feeble smile. I wanted the party to get over so that I could go back to my home and enjoy the solitude. I took another glass of champagne and whisked it down within a fraction of a second.  ​ I was making rounds when my feet froze and I could literally stumble, had it not been a pillar whose support I sought.  Standing in front of me was the most beautiful man I had ever laid my eyes on.  Dressed in a tuxedo, he looked impeccable.  His eyes were on me, I knew it. How? Oh there are times and there are these people whom you don’t have to  rely upon your gift of vision. You could feel them. In your body. Like they are present in every cell of yours.  Like it isn’t the gravity that is holding and binding you to this Earth, but it is them.  ​ Before I made a