Where Lines Meet

"So, what's your plan for the day?"
Sumit asked me and I thought for a while. "I'll maybe go to the mall and shop," I specifically stressed on the word 'shop' and hearing that Sumit smiled and nod his head in sheer mockery, "or I would watch a movie. Don't worry at all I know how to keep myself busy."
Sumit finished his breakfast and said, "Had you told me earlier I would have taken an off but now there's no chance."
"Like I said don't worry. You go and finish your work and once you are done then we would go and watch a play."
He made a face and said, "No way. I am not going to any watch any play. We can watch a movie but watching a play is out of question." I was utterly disappointed but Sumit decided to overlook it. He picked his laptop bag, kissed my forehead and said, "Do let me know from where should I pick you and yes I love you."
"I love you too." The moment he left I started picking up the dishes. My summer vacations had started. Being a Professor had its own benefits and getting a month vacation with salary was one of them. I was going to my room when my message beeped. The ringtone brought a smile on my face as without even looking at it I knew the bearer of the message.
Rajat: By what time would you be leaving?
I: I'm still at my place. Would be leaving in another hour.
I opened my wardrobe and searched for a perfect attire and the message beeped again.
Rajat: What the hell? My shift starts at 2pm and that means we have less than 4 hours. So get ready in few minutes and leave right away. Ayeesha, I'm waiting for you my dear. 
I: Yes and now stop texting me or don't scold me for being late.

As per the order I got ready in 15 minutes and boarded the cab I had called for. I gave him the directions and waited in patience to reach my destination. Life was strange and it loved to play games. I started believing in this saying when this thing happened with me.
Life was going smooth till the time I met Rajat. Rajat and I were friends and we have known each other for 10 yrs. What started off as a casual message chat changed into solid friendship. During these 10 yrs we saw various ups and downs but we are still going strong.
I was stuck in traffic jam and my phone beeped again.
Rajat: Aysh it's 11 am. Where are you? I am waiting.
I: Stuck in traffic jam. On my way.

I smiled knowingly that he would be utterly frustrated. It wasn't like that his situation was hard to decipher but there was something like telepathy flowed in between us. No matter how yuck it sounds but it was true. I still remember the day when I proposed him and he rejected on the pretext that he was already in a relationship. Then the same pattern got repeated again and again.Every time I proposed him or told him that I loved him he either rejected me or didn't take me seriously. However, this never discouraged me. I kept on loving him and never stopped telling him also.
I was perfectly satiated and would have lived like this forever had my parents not found Sumit for me. I looked at my engagement ring and smiled. I have been married to Sumit from the past 4 yrs and every day was better than the former. Even though it was an arranged marriage still I don't know when I fell in love with him.
Nevertheless, life was never easy for me nor I expected it to be. The moment I got Sumit's love I made peace with the fact that Rajat wasn't meant for me and I have to be content in being his friend only. The things changed 360 degrees when one fine day Rajat confessed that he loved me too. There was still few days left in my marriage and no matter how tempted I was to call off my marriage and be with him I couldn't muster enough courage. So, the end result was I got married to Sumit.

It was when life became complicated and in my case worth living. I believed that once I would be married to Sumit, I would forget Rajat but it wasn't destined to happen. I found myself loving both of them at the same point of time. The cab stopped and I realized that I had arrived at my destination. I paid the fare and went to Rajat's apartment.
Like expected he was waiting for me. The moment he opened the door I found myself looking at him lingeringly. I was seeing him after so long though technically we had met a week ago and virtually via webcam we see each other everyday. He ushered me in and the moment he closed the door we hugged each other without saying a word. This was the best moment when we met. The hug we shared was so different from the ones we normally get. This one was full of urgency and sheer calmness.
Once we had hugged to our heart's content he made coffee for me and we spoke at a length about everything. I narrated him my new story that I was working upon and he showed me his collection of travel blogs on which he had been working on. Time passed in a flicker of second. All the while we did nothing except talking. The best thing about Rajat was that our wavelength matched. We both were avid readers, were creative and loved to experiment. With Rajat no day seemed dull and boring. There was no doubt that I loved Sumit to a great extent but we were not alike. The moment we were in a room we switched on the TV. We talked less and were busy in our own works. None of us had any problem with the scenario but once I was with Rajat I truly missed the conversation that Sumit and I never shared.
The hours passed within a fraction of second. Twilight was marveling the sky and the watch made me realize that I had less than an hour at my disposal. I got up from my chair and sat on his lap and hugged him hard. Rajat was taken aback for few seconds and then he enveloped me in his arms. None of us said a word but we just savored the feeling.
"I don't want to go," I murmured.
"I don't want you to go." With his this sentence tears glistened in my eyes and I felt like turning the wheel of the time and correct my mistake. My phone buzzed and it was Sumit telling me that he would pick me up from a particular spot within half an hour. I quickly gathered my things and saw Rajat looking at me helplessly. I hugged him hard once again and told him, "I would see you on Tuesday, right?"
He smiled and said, "Of course you will." He thought for some more time and said, "You are going to have vacations right. So, I want to see you everyday and there is a play going on that I want to catch up with you. So, you have to meet me daily."
I smiled and left the house. I hailed the cab and started wondering, What led people to cheat? I had everything that people were jealous of still I wasn't content. Though I didn't believe that I was cheating but I was just keeping a truth away from my husband. I loved my husband but I did love Rajat too. There were times I actually regretted not being with Rajat and there were times when I felt I couldn't have been more lucky. So, whether I was doing right thing or wrong?
I didn't know the answer to this question nor I tried to find it. I just knew that at times such situations arose in people's life wherein the lines met and the difference in between right and wrong vanishes. I knew I was living a double life but now I loved both the aspects of my life. I couldn't find a way to tear any aspect of my life from me. I got down from the cab and waited for Sumit. A car stopped in front of me and Sumit opened the door for me.
"Hey. So, which movie do you feel like watching today?"
I laughed out loud and said, "Any one you want to."He whirled past the car and I started looking out of the window. The vehicles surpassed us. Everything looked the same but still it felt different. My phone vibrated and discreetly I saw whose message it was.
Rajat: I am already missing you. Didn't want you to go.   
A tear pricked from my eye and Sumit turned the car and we crossed a roundabout. I found lines meeting. My guilt decreased substantially. Life was also like these criss cross roads. Many times our lives got tangled and it doesn't leave us with any other alternative rather than keep on walking. Probably this was what Rajat and Sumit were in my life. They were criss cross roads. I agree they shouldn't have been there but now as they were I couldn't stop myself from walking on them. My lines have met. This maybe wrong for some people but for me it is a path that would lead to my destination and would help me unveil my hidden desires.


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