
Showing posts from September, 2009

Was That You?

Sandhya has been living with her granparents for ages, but never ever has she seen so much commitment, respect, devotion and love in any other couple. At the ahe of 19 she herself has a series of experiences of being in relations but she never came across the same level of intimacy which her granparents have. "Grannie have you ever been in love?" Sandhya asked while both of them were having their tea. "What type of question is this? I love your grandfather a lot." "No Grannie, you love him because he's your husband. I'm asking have you ever loved anyone else?" Her Grannie became quiet for some time. Memories makes you nostalgic. Even Sandhya's Grannie boarded the train of her memories. "I know you loved someone. Tell me about him. Please," Grannie looked at Sandhya's pleading face and heaved a sigh. "I can't say that I love him, because clearly speaking I truly love your grandfather. But yes, there is something in him whi

Over A Cup Of Coffee

What can happen over a cup of coffee? Talks, Gossip, Date, Bitching, Chilling out etc. But has anyone ever found the love once lost over a cup of coffee? Let's see. Karan was sitting in Cafe Coffee Day. He was due to meet Diya, but this meeting was nothing like the previous ones. They were meeting to end their relationship. But, the ironical part was that they met here only the 1st time also. It's been 3yrs, 8 months and 12 days since they are dating each other. At 1st everything was great. The affair was like a fairy tale. Daily meetings, long night chats, loads of pampering was the daily routine. Things worked like this for some time but then both of them got busy in their respective careers and the time for each other decreased. They both tried to manage but with constant nagging it became difficult to stand each other. To curb the differences they started going out in group but all in vain. Their relationship just became a rubber stamp so, with mutual consent they decided t