
Showing posts from November, 2018

Broken is Beautiful

The voices were distinct in the background. The sound of tides had muffled the cries of zealous men and women who were partying hard in the shack. Kiara looked around and soon found a spot. She was away from the crowd, still very much within the sight. She didn’t want to sound rude, but she knew she didn’t belong with the group of her over-zealous, party lover office people. She wanted this time for herself... just herself.  Within no matter of time, she realised Anant was coming towards her. She laughed inwards. Even though the new column writer tried to convince everyone that he was a party lover, in reality he was a recluse. With a joint in his hand, he was also figuring out where he could sit and just get lost in this wilderness. He looked at Kiara and smiled awkwardly. Kiara turned her attention back to the sea. And Anant, well he made himself comfortable just inches away from Kiara.  The sea looked beautiful. It was difficult to fathom it, raging, calm, hiding so many secre