Deep Dark Forces

Diu always fascinated me. Today, when I’ve visited Diu after 6 years it still fascinates me like it did when I came here for the first time. I and my friends decided to relax our brains after our first semester in IIM-A ended. We couldn’t fancy going to Goa because of financial reasons so chose to treat ourselves in Diu with lots of cheap alcohol. While lazing on the Chakratirath Beach, I saw her for the first time. We were having fun, playing in the water like we have hailed from drought areas of Rajasthan. The geeks for the first time got a life apart from books and notes. Beach, beer and lots of other captivating things. What more could we ask for? Amidst of this deafening noise she was sitting on the sand and was looking at the vast beach like… like trying to know what secrets it held. I came back to the shore on the pretext of being tired. She had the most beautiful big black eyes I had ever seen. Somehow her ...