Flavours of Coffee

‘Beep.’ I woke up with a start. I have always been a light sleeper and at the same time afraid of even the little noises. I looked around and it took me a while to realise that I was in a fancy hotel of Gangtok. I checked my message and it was a spam. It was 6 am and I was in no mood to sleep anymore. I checked my phone and looked at what all commitments I had today. Thankfully, today was my off day. Yeah! Off day in Gangtok. Doesn’t it sound beautiful? Well, these are tiny perks when you work as a food and fashion blogger in one of the top magazine houses, plus you kind of head them too. My work had ended yesterday itself. I could have gone back home by the last flight, but I chose to stay back for two more days. I wanted to unwind myself and really explore this beautiful place. While sipping my coffee and sitting in my ultra-luxurious balcony with a stunning view, I decide to be the tourist that day who was on a mission to explore things for her own self rather than for anothe...